Coming Up! Saturday, October 5th, Starting at 9:oo am – a Sidewalk Sale with Bargains Galore – Vendors include the great Donnie Mays, John Hayes, Vicki Hendrix and More. Refreshments. Come Take a LOOK!

Old Wooden Buckeye Chicken Incubator! (Would Make a Great Side Table)! Booth 23, $399.00

Early 20th Century Sign from Weyer’s Cave, Virginia, Framed and Matted, Booth 23 – $324.00.

Booth 12 has a Great Selection of Old Tools! Come Take a LOOK!

Vintage Chicken Water/Feeder Crock, 2 Pieces, $75.00, Booth 23.

Vintage Tom’s 5c Peanut Counter Display Jar with Red Tom’s Top, $85.00, Booth 38.

Vintage 6 Drawer Catalog/File Cabinet – Booth 314, $295.00.

Pfaltzagraff Mugs on Sale, $8.00 each – Booth 314.

From the Treasure Room, A Queen Anne Corner Chair c1700 – 1750, $4500.00.