Ruckersville Gallery, 8287 Seminole Trail, Ruckersville, Virginia! 434-985-1944

A Beautiful Mahogany Henkel Harris Highboy, Made in Winchester, Virginia – Queen Anne Style, Nice Detail – $2100.00, Now 15% Off, Booth 33ha.

Set of Twelve Wedgewood Plates, Each with a Different Scene, “Old London Views”, $145.00, Now 15% Off, Booth 33ha.

Seth Thomas 8 Day Time and Strike Weight Driven Wall Clock – Accurate Time Keeper!, Booth 33ha, $110.00, Now 15% Off!

Easton Press – 17 Volumes, “The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night” – by Richard F. Burton, Fine Condition! $1000.00 or Best Offer. The Book Room.

Leather-bound “Harpers Magazine” Miscellaneous Dates from 1859 through 1865. Your Choice, $28.00/Each – The Book Room.

Book: “Powder Horns and Their Architecture” by Madison Grant, Published by the Author, Well Illustrated Hardcover with Jacket – $65.00. The Book Room.
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