Ruckersville Gallery
Friendly, Helpful Staff – Plenty of Parking Available
and Refreshments Served on the Weekends!
Open 7 Days a Week.
Ruckersville Gallery, 8287 Seminole Trail, Ruckersville, Virginia! 434-985-1944

A Sligh Tall Clock with Key, $1,195.00. Booth 19.

From the Vendor – Donnie Mays: “Sweet clock keeps good time plus has figurines that come out on the hour – If you see what this clock does you will probably buy it!” $75.00 – Booth 33ha, Now 15% off.

Another Fabulous Painting by Douglas Cave – ‘Rock Bridge Over Meadow Brook’, Framed – $460.00, Booth 33ha, $460.00 – NOW 15% off.

Walnut Drop Leaf Table with 6 Chairs by E.A. Clore, $2850.00 – NOW 15% off, Booth 33ha.

Boy with Ducks – Lladro? (Not marked), $24.00, Booth 33ha.

Pretty Christmas Placemats, Set of Six, $29.00 – Booth 19.

Nice Selection of Wedgewood – Booth 19, Various Prices. Come Take a LOOK!

Ethan Allen Highboy, Booth 19 – $1025.00.

Christmas Postcard, 1914 – $8.00, Booth 23.

“American Sky’ Charlottesville, Virginia – Booth 1, $30.00.