Ruckersville Gallery
Friendly, Helpful Staff – Plenty of Parking Available
and Refreshments Served on the Weekends!
Open 7 Days a Week.
Ruckersville Gallery, 8287 Seminole Trail, Ruckersville, Virginia! 434-985-1944

Booth 9 has an Excellent Selection of LACE – Curtains, Runners, Doilies and More! All, 60% Off.

Western Trail Frying Pan – Huge! 17″, Booth 43, $65.00.

Grandma’s Washer/Wringer – Anchor Brand, 1896 – Booth 43, $160.00.

Fenton French Opal Hobnail Footed Cake Plate – Booth 420, $119.00, Now 20% Off!

Red Oriental Carpet/Rug – $195.00, Booth 81.

Needlepoint Bench – $95.00, Booth 81.

Consolidated Crystal Chrysanthemum Lamp, $250.00, Now 20% Off!

Large Tole Painted Tray – One of the Nicest I Have Seen! $28.00, Booth 19.

Late 18th Century, Early 19th Century Virginia Desk – Original Finish, Walnut with Pine Secondary, Booth 3 – $1850.00.
Thanks for Visiting!