Coming Up!!
Saturday, September 23, 12 Noon – till 2pm – Appraisal Day!
Bring in Your Favorite Antiques and Collectibles for a FREE Casual Appraisal by Norman Dill and Friends!
Please Scroll Down for Pictures, Descriptions and Prices
of a Few of Our Favorite Things!
- Booth 314 – Wind-up Toy Volkswagon Bug, 1972, Aurora Imposters, $59.
- Booth 32, Book: The Art of Maurice Sendak, By Selma Lanes – $28..
- Japanese Ginger Jar, Booth 40, $17.50.
- 1840’s Coverlet from Booth 11 – $525.
- Wedding Ring Quilt, Booth 11 – $525.
- Structo Farms Truck and Horse Trailor (w Horses!) Booth 411 – $225.
- We have License Plates! (1929, $45., 1932, $39.) Booth 411.
- Antique Accordion from Italy, Booth 411 – $225.
- Selection of Oil Cans, $18. – $24., Booth 411.
- 1900’s Mahogany Desk w Dovetailed Drawers, $395., Booth 411.
- Buddy L Coca-Cola Delivery Truck c1960, $165. Booth 411.
- Thanks for LOOKING!!