Coming UP!
Coin and Crock Appraisal Day! Saturday, May 19th, 11am to 2pm. Refreshments Served. Bring in Your Coins and Crocks for a FREE Appraisal!

Book: Plates and Buckles of the American Military, 1795 – 1874, by Sydney C. Kerksis, Second Edition, 1982. Booth 32, $45.00.

Virginia Set of Drawers (Federal in the Hepplewhite Taste) 4 Graduated Drawers, Walnut w Secondary Southern Yellow Pine. Beautiful! From the Treasure Room, $7500.00.

Fabulous Iranian Rug, Wool with Cotton Warp – 47″ x 69″, “The Iron Rugs of Persia”. From the Treasure Room, $900.00.
Thanks for LOOKING!!