Two Stained Glass Windows, a Sun Dial and an Antique Pocket Barometer! | Ruckersville Gallery Two Stained Glass Windows, a Sun Dial and an Antique Pocket Barometer! – Ruckersville Gallery

Two Stained Glass Windows, a Sun Dial and an Antique Pocket Barometer!

Coming Up!

Coins and Crocks FREE Appraisal Day!  Saturday, May 19th, 11am to 2pm. Refreshments Served!

Red Painted Cubby from Western Pennsylvania, $425.00, Booth 11.

Stained Glass Window, Booth 40 – Framed and Ready to Hang, $425.00.

Stained Glass Panel from Booth, Framed – $225.00, Booth 225.

Book: ‘Make Me a Map of the Valley, The Civil War Journal of Stonewall Jackson’s Topographer’, 1st Edition, $100.00. Booth 32.

Cambridge Crown Tuscan Shell, Marked – $55.00.

Bronze Deco Nude, Signed on the Socle – Wood Turned Base, $140.00, Booth 1.

Virginia Metal Crafters Sun dial, $72.00, Booth 33ha.

Columbus of 16j Adjusted Ni Plates Nickle Silver Case w Locomotive, ca 1886, $225.00, Booth 185.

Pocket Barometer, English Silvered Dial, Compensated, circa 1900’s $140.00, Booth 487

Lift Top Desk, $775.00, Booth 31.

Schilz Salt Glazed Platter, Booth 8 – $16.00.

Thanks for LOOKING!!

Posted in Latest Arrivals, News & Announcements